Lerngebiet |
Lernsituation |
Thema |
Umfang |
Material |
Lerngebiet 1: Wirtschaftsprozesse in der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft |
Basic Economic Problems |
first term in economics at your vocational school dealing with basic economic terms (glossary) |
15 Std. |
Circular Flow Model |
15 Std. |
Lerngebiet 2: Wirtschaftliches Handeln auf Gütermärkten |
Price Determination |
student committee - interrelationships between markets and price determ ination (powerpoint presentation) |
15 Std. |
Interrelationships between Markets |
"Tea vs. Coffee in UK" (gallery walk) |
15 Std. |
Market Structures |
“Liberalisation – A concept for the future?” (matrix for the panel discussion) |
15 Std. |
Market Stabilization |
exhibition about the EU and its institutions (poster and presentation) |
9 Std. |
Lerngebiet 3: Arbeitsmarkt - Strukturen und Entwicklungen |
Wage Determination |
9 Std. |
Unemployment and Labour Market Trends |
27 Std. |